Conferințe externe
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- Hits: 6119
Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems (JCSCS) | Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JEEE) |
Conferințe organizate de facultate
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- Hits: 8389
EMES 2023
9 - 10 June 2023, 17th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2023) |
EMES 2021 (finalizată cu Proceedings indexat ISI):
10 - 11 June 2021, 16th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2021) |
EMES 2019 (finalizată cu Proceedings indexat ISI):
13 - 14 June 2019, 15th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2019) |
EMES 2017 (finalizată cu Proceedings indexat ISI):
14th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2017) |
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- Hits: 2768
EMES 2023
9 - 10 June 2023, 17th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2023) |
EMES 2021 (completed with ISI indexed Proceedings):
10 - 11 June 2021, 16th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2021) |
EMES 2019 (completed with ISI indexed Proceedings):
13 - 14 June 2019, 15th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2019) |
EMES 2017 (completed with ISI indexed Proceedings):
14th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems (EMES 2017) |
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- Hits: 9979
SRAIT - Societatea Română de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică
Filiala Oradea
Conducere filiala Oradea:
Preşedinte: Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Sanda Dale This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vice-preşedinte: Conf. Dr. Ing. Gianina Gabor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Secretar: Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Claudiu Raul Costea This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Departamentul de Ingineria Sistemelor Automate şi Management
Prof. Dr. Ing. Helga-Maria Silaghi
Prof. Dr. Ing. Gabriela Tonţ
Conf. Dr. Ing. Tiberiu Barabas
Conf. Dr. Ing. Eugen Gergely
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Viorica Spoială
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Laura Coroiu
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Sanda Dale
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Claudiu Costea
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Diana Sas
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Zoltan Kövendi
Ing. Alina Pavel
Departamentul de Calculatoare şi Tehnologia Informaţiei
Prof. Dr. Ing. Daniela-Elena Popescu
Prof. Dr. Ing. Cornelia Györödi
Prof. Dr. Ing. Robert Györödi
Prof. Dr. Ing. Ştefan Vari-Kakas
Prof. Dr. Ing. Rodica Doina Zmaranda
Conf. Dr. Ing. Mirela Pater
Conf. Dr. Ing. Gianina Gabor
Conf. Dr. Ing. Ovidiu Constantin Novac
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Florin Vancea
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Elisa Valentina Moisi
Departamentul de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii
Prof. Dr. Ing. Nicolae Drăghiciu
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Sorin Popa
Departamentul de Inginerie Electrică
Ş.l. Dr. Ing. Mihaela Novac